Зажигай Солнце MeMe ( Kedamono popee the performer ) FLASHING WARNING

INSPIRATION : I must admit that I have been waiting for more than 10 months to be able to make this video, I was really ready to do it but I wanted to know if the public would love it anyway, the truth is I loved the resolution and I hope that by transporting the video to different sources there will not be affected the quality because I suffer a lot with that in short, I hope you liked it and please subscribe and follow me on instagram as (Wolf_palsury) there I upload many reports and everything related to my content in majority or drawings in a few words Applications and time: Ibis Paint (for drawings) Flipaclip (for animation and editing) Cap cut (for further editing) Time: 2 days approximately this video has been planned since the original video came out ---============================================================= Debo admitir que llevo mas de 10 meses esperando para poder hacer este video , realmente ya estaba lista para
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