Breathing Techniques to Activate Your Pineal Gland and Open Your Third Eye [INSTANT RESULTS!!]

Breathing Techniques to Activate Your Pineal Gland and Open Your Third Eye [INSTANT RESULTS!!]. This is a very powerful Guided Breath Work to help you activate your pineal gland and open your third eye. Using these techniques can facilitate opening the third eye fast as some of the methodology has been adopted from the Mystics of the Himalayas. Take this practice slowly and with full awareness. Sending love and blessings to all. #pinealglandactivation #thirdeyeopening #breathwork YOU’LL LEARN - The scientific background of the pineal gland’s role in the body. - Insights into the third eye fro...m a yoga perspective. - Step-by-step guide to Alternate Nostril Breathing to balance. - Step-by-step guide to Diaphragmatic Breathing for mental clarity. - Step-by-step guide to Humming Bee Breath to activate pineal gland. - Step-by-step guide to Third Eye Meditation Practice. - Benefits of Practicing breathing techniques to open your third eye CHAPTERS 0:00 - Science
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