This is a Bloddy Bunny Animation whose origin I cannot find, this was found on another channel uploaded by the name “bunny kill“ in June 17, 2007. It shares a lot of similarities to “SHOWREEL“ but contains animated bits not seem before and different music. The new clips seem to also have been meant for Channel [V] bumpers.
I found out about this upload by complete luck (I was just checking how this channel appears in search results) and it caught me by complete surprise, it led me to a search frenzy looking for where this could’ve been taken from and if there was a better quality version of it, but had no luck, the channel seems abandoned and most of my guesses have been fruitless.
My one guess now is that it was part of a feature phone service or came in one, and that this is the reason for it’s massively low resolution.
I decided to re-upload the video here for awareness and more reach, if I find a better, if I ever find a higher quality version of this shor