Praying or Preying?

When people pray to the Creator, God, the gods, angels, deceased relatives, or other entities, the general hope is that these beings are listening, that they are benevolent, and that they desire to grant our wishes. But what if none of that is true? What if in reality the very act of praying to something outside ourselves disempowers and subserviates us? In other words, what if prayer makes us prey? Get Connected with and Help Support Eric: Website: Books: Patreon: Blog: Forum: Facebook: Instagram: X: Gettr: SoundCloud: Mewe: Minds: Gab: Goodreads: YouTube: Odysee: @EricDubay:c BitChute: Real Truthseekers: @ericdubay Rokfin: Rumble: Dollar Vigilante: Audible: Dubay Telegram: Email: ericdubaynewsletter@
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