N. Korea may launch spy satellite as early as Wednesday morning: S. Korea’s Defense Ministry
국방부, 22일 새벽 北정찰위성 3차 발사 가능성 주시 러 기술지원에 이번에 성공?
Good evening. Thank you for joining us. I’m Yoon Jung-min.
North Korea notified Japan this morning that it will launch its military reconnaissance satellite, which failed twice earlier, sometime between tomorrow and December 1st.
This could take place possibly early tomorrow morning.
Eyes are on whether the third launch attempt would be a success, given Russia’s alleged involvement.
Defense correspondent Choi Min-jung has our top story.
South Korea’s defense ministry is closely looking into the possibility of North Korea’s third attempt to launch a military spy satellite on November 22nd.
“During the first and second launch attempts, they took place on the first day of the notice period, more specifically, at dawn. We are considering that possibility, and we would also have to take the weather into consideration.“
On Tuesday, North Korea notified Japan that it will attempt to send a military reconnaissance satellite into space, sometime between November 22nd and December 1st.
Pyongyang’s failed twice before, once in May and once in August.
But what’s different this time, is that the North is presumed to have received help from Russia.
During their summit held in September, Putin promised Kim help in developing a spy satellite.
A South Korean military official said Tuesday that Russian support was likely used to improve the engines,.. which was what led to failures in the previous attempts.
“The possibility of success may be a little higher, and we must also note that there was a little more progress in the second launch than in the first.“
Some experts do say, however, that Russia’s involvement in the latest launch is not as dramatic as expected.
“It seems likely that Russian engineers provided some advice based on data they looked at, but I don’t think we can say that Russian technology is directly involved given the short development time.“
The military said that the launch itself poses a threat to security, regardless of whether the launch turns out to be a success or not.
It, again, emphasized that the launch is a clear violation of UN Security Council resolutions, which ban North Korean missile launches using ballistic missile technology.
Choi Min-jung, Arirang News.
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