Prevention of Professional Destructions of Penal System Employees as a Factor of Successful Professional Activity

This article is devoted to the study of professional destructions of penal system employees, their prevention and relationship with success. This problem is particularly relevant, since professional activities of penal system employees are associated with difficult working conditions that require increased responsibility, psycho-emotional stability and high stress tolerance. Purpose: on the basis of theoretical and empirical research to determine directions of preventive measures to alert professional destructions of penal system employees as effective performance factors. Methods: psychodiagnostics with the use of the following techniques: V.V. Boiko’s method of diagnosing the emotional burnout level, K. Maslach’s method of diagnosing the professional burnout level, Yu.V. Shcherbatykh’s stress tolerance test, A.B. Leonova’s questionnaire “Degree of chronic fatigue”, A.V. Batarsheva’s questionnaire “Integral work satisfaction”, the method of expert assessments. Results: the article suggests that professional destructions of penal system employees have a number of features due to the specifics of professional activity. These problems are of particular importance for employees who work for a long time. It is this category of employees that is most at risk of professional destructions. Risks of professional destructions are revealed both in the professional activity of penal system employees and outside it. However, the relationship between the occurrence of professional deformations and the effectiveness of professional activity of penal system employees is proven. Conclusion: since professional destructions in the most general form are realized in all spheres of a person’s life, it is not correct to consider them separately from personal characteristics of a particular employee. Prevention of the occurrence of professional destructions should not be situational in nature, but should be regular and comprehensive. Prevention of professional destructions is more effective when it is implemented in various spheres (cultural, sports, creative, etc.), since it should be, on the one hand, large-scale and, on the other hand, personalized. Optimization of work tasks and harmonization of free time of penal system employees also reduce risks of professional destructions.
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