On the Experience of Countering Riots in Russian Penitentiary Institutions at the Turn of the XIXXX Centuries

Introduction: the article reveals measures taken by the administration and supervision of places of detention of the Russian Empire to combat riots among prisoners at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries. As for a chronological framework of the study, it includes a period of growth of the revolutionary situation in the Russian Empire at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries and the 1905–1907 revolution, as well as the intensification of riots and mass riots among prisoners caused by these events. Purpose: based on generalization of the experience of the administration and supervision of Russian places of detention in the period under study, to supplement and correct the ideas that have developed in the history of the penitentiary system. Methods: statistical and statistical-comparative methods, dialectical, logical methods, methods of synthesis and system-functional analysis. Results: the analysis of legal regulation and practical activities of the administration and supervision of places of detention of the Russian Empire shows that during the period under study, the regime of serving sentences in them was significantly violated, which resulted in riots and mass riots, accompanied by escapes and other serious crimes. In this regard, activities of penitentiary institution authorities aimed at strengthening discipline and professional training of personnel were important. Conclusion: functioning of Russian places of detention at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries was accompanied by riots among the continent, especially in 1905–1907, which greatly contributed to their reorganization. Countering riots in places of detention necessitated effective measures aimed at strengthening the regime of serving sentences and discipline not only among prisoners, but also among employees.  
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