The story of Maldek begins with J. E. Bode, who pointed out a regular pattern in the planets’ distance from the Sun. Bode’s Law predicted that there should be a planet between Mars and Jupiter. This set off a telescopic hunt for the missing planet, and in 1801 Giuseppe Piazzi discovered Ceres, the largest of the asteroids. Heinrich Olbers speculated that the asteroids were the ruins of a fifth, destroyed by some natural catastrophe; the idea cropped up now and then in science fiction, where inevitably it was assumed that the catastrophe was artificial -- either an accident or war. This idea finally succumbed to the advance of scientific discovery, as did the canals of Mars and the jungles of Venus. But like many discarded or garbled scientific ideas, it lives on in the netherworld of occultism. WHAT HAPPENED TO MALDEK, MOTHER EARTHS TWIN FLAME VIDEO CREATED AND ARRANGED BY RON HOFFMAN Investigating the Mystery of Maldek written by Ronald Wederfoort The Truth is the Light VIDEO CLIPS
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