How to be an effective speaker: BE SPECIFIC!

Is your opinion “never“ taken seriously? Do people “always“ question what you say? This lesson is for you! I will teach you how to eliminate the five words that stop you from being an effective speaker. Learn what to say instead, so that you can be just as confident as a native English speaker. Take a quiz on this lesson here: TRANSCRIPT Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for the worm. I’m changing a very, very famous quote by a very good speaker, and his name was John F. Kennedy. Great American president -- or a good American president. There’s another one by a B...ritish man named Winston Churchill from World War II, “Never, never, never, never give up.“ All right? So why am I bringing these up to you? Because to become an effective speaker, you need to know what to do. But sometimes, you need to know what not to do. And in this particular lesson, I’m going to help you become a much more effective speaker i
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