Duck! Rabbit, Duck! is a 1953 Merrie Melodies comedy cartoon, directed by Chuck Jones, and starring Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck and Elmer Fudd. It is the sequel to Rabbit Seasoning, and the third and final entry in Jones’ “hunting trilogy“ (the only major difference in format between this film and the others is that it takes place during the middle of winter).
The cartoon, set in winter, finds Daffy Duck removing and burning every “Duck Season Open“ sign he finds in order to warm himself in the winter, and prevent himself from being hunted. Elmer is out hunting and Daffy uses several signs to convince Elmer that it is rabbit season, making Elmer excited about “Fwesh wabbit stew!“ just before Elmer follows the yellow trail to Bugs’ rabbit hole. Daffy lures Bugs Bunny out by asking for a cup of blackstrap molasses. Just as Bugs Bunny comes out of his rabbit hole, Elmer points the gun at him and declares that he got his “wabbit stew“.
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