Paul Jacobs (1930--83) performs the sixth and last of Busoni’s “Sechs Kurze Stücke Zur Pflege Des Polyphonen Spiels.“ This work was composed by Busoni in 1922. Jacobs recorded this work on April 26, 1976 in New York. He was playing a Baldwin SD-10.
6. “After Mozart“ - C minor
Transcriptions by Busoni of organ works by Bach and Brahms, performed by Paul Jacobs in 1979:
Herr Gott, Nun Schleuss’ Den Himmel Auf! (Bach / Busoni) - http:
4 months ago 00:14:24 1
Bach Busoni Chaconne D Minor BWV 1004 Valentina Lisitsa
5 months ago 00:06:36 1
CD-trailer “Five Sides of Fantasy“ by Alexander Sonderegger, released by RCD