Fountain of Belleau - Disc 1: Chanson of Justice and Impartiality|Genshin Impact

Альбом OST Фонтейна Genshin Impact Fountain of Belleau уже доступен! Альбом разделён на четыре части: Chanson of Justice and Impartiality, Arioso of Belle Epoque, Chapelloise of Trickling Springs и La bataille de Fontaine. В него вошло 96 оригинальных композиций Genshin Impact, созданных командой HOYO-MiX для региона Фонтейн. Избранные композиции Фонтейна исполнены музыкантами Лондонского филармонического оркестра и артистами народной музыки; записаны в Abbey Road Studios, Angel Studios и Air-Edel Recording Studios. #01 Fontaine 00:00:00 #02 Le Souvenir avec le crepuscule 00:04:39 #03 Ballad of Many Waters 00:06:09 #04 City of Mellifluous Glory 00:08:12 #05 Leisurely Days in Fontaine 00:10:47 #06 Poesy of Chrysolite 00:12:27 #07 Luminescence of Eventide 00:14:52 #08 Coruscating Street 00:16:31 #09 Dreams’ Swirling Whispers 00:18:09 #10 La nuit silencieuse et paisible 00:20:36 #11 Quand la lumiere resplendira 00:22:42 #12 Symposion of Spectacle 00:24:04 #13 Harmonia of Polysynodie 00:26:01 #14 Pluie sur la ville 00:27:45 #15 Le fleuve secret 00:30:21 #16 Cakes and Ale for the Exiled 00:31:58 #17 Romaritime Recollection 00:33:43 #18 Pilot’s Rest 00:35:27 #19 Limpide est le sanglot d’eau 00:37:10 #20 Clair de lune 00:39:26 #21 Spring Song 00:41:16 #22 Where All Waters Converge 00:43:11 #23 Raven Gloss of Darkness 00:45:08 #24 Le spectacle doit continuer 00:47:03 #25 The Oratrice’s Verdict 00:49:44 #26 Searching for Clues 00:52:17 #27 Sensational Sentence 00:54:33 #28 Deductive Rendition 00:56:45 #29 Contemporary Testimony 00:57:52 #30 Je sais le nom de l’etranger ! 00:59:42 #31 Caliginous Hearthfire 01:00:32 Послушать «Fountain of Belleau» Spotify: iTunes/Apple Music:
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