[ArcheWorld] Development Sneak Peek: PvP and crime system

Hello, Archeans! We are glad to show you another in-game footage about PvP and Prison. In this Sneak Peek, you can see how to switch between the Bloodlust and Peace mode and the Crime system. I hope you enjoy the video and please look forward to more Sneak Peeks in the following weeks! Thank you. *The video was taken in a development stage, and some changes may occur. #아키월드 #ArcheWorld #nft #nftgame #nftgames #playandearn #PanduanArcheWorld #ArcheWorld指南 #คำแนะนำArcheWorld #nftcommunity #nftgaming #Archeworldingame #블록체인 #암호화폐
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