[ArcheWorld] Development Sneak Peek: Beginner’s guide & ArchePass

Hello, Archeans! We are glad to show you another in-game footage about beginner’s guide & ArchePass In this Sneak Peek, you can figure out how to begin the game from the beginning and the skill sets that you might have wondered. It also shows how to start ArchePass which will be helpful for your growth. I hope you enjoy the video and please look forward to more Sneak Peeks in the following weeks! Thank you. *The video was taken in a development stage, and some changes may occur. #아키월드 #ArcheWorld #nft #nftgame #nftgames #playandearn #PanduanArcheWorld #ArcheWorld指南 #คำแนะนำArcheWorld #nftcommunity #nftgaming #Archeworldingame #블록체인 #암호화폐
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