[ArcheWorld] Development Sneak Peek: The Rift

Hello, Archeans! We are glad to show you another in-game footage about The Rift! Without the large scale raid with your companion, you can’t say it is a true MMORPG. Plus, The Rift is the significant resource where you can obtain Archeum in the game. We hope you enjoy the video and please look forward to the next Sneak Peeks in the following weeks! Thank you. *The video was taken in a development stage, and some changes may occur. ※ The AlphaPass Test event schedule is now extended to Sept. 25th(Mon)! If you haven’t registered yet, click the link below and get various prizes! [Sign up ArcheWorld] [Google Form Link] #아키월드 #ArcheWorld #nft #nftgame #nftgames #playandearn #PanduanArcheWorld #ArcheWorld指南 #คำแนะนำArcheWorld #nftcommunity #nftgaming #Archeworldingame #&
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