Worship in Heaven - What Will It Look Like?
Have you ever tried imagining what our eternal worship experience will be like when we finally stand before God’s glorious throne? What will we see, hear, feel and do in that incredible scene? Join us as we explore the vivid biblical depictions of heavenly worship and marvel together at its coming magnificence!
In this video we’ll discover how our worship in eternity will be completely focused on God Himself in all His unveiled majesty. We’ll see how we’ll communally behold, praise and enjoy Him face-to-face in breathtaking intimacy without any obs
...tructions or distractions.
We’ll then explore the awesome unity as believers from every tribe and language join with the angels to comprise one vast symphony of praise ringing through the cosmos. And we’ll find that we won’t just observe, but participate in the action through singing, falling down in reverence, processions, feasting and more.
Finally, we’ll see how this ultimate worship continuously opens up new vistas of God’s infinite beauty and excellence, perpetually fueling deeper worship, transformation, and joyful discoveries about our infinite Triune God.
Let’s catch a vision together of the scene that awaits all believers when we are welcomed into the eternal celestial sanctuary. And as we glimpse our coming eternal occupation, let it kindle within us a spirit of doxology, awe, longing and gratitude even today!Show more