Warhammer \ Horus Heresy reimagined with AI Art

Warhammer \ Horus Heresy reimagined with AI Art Warhammer 40,000, often referred to as Warhammer 40K, is a popular tabletop wargame created by Games Workshop. Within the expansive lore of the game, the Primarchs play a significant role. The Primarchs are genetically-engineered superhuman beings, created by the Emperor of Mankind to lead his Space Marine Legions in the Great Crusade. ’Escape Velocity’ by Scott Buckley - released under CC-BY 4.0. #warhammer #warhammer40k #wh40k #primarchs #robouteguilliman #vulkan #fulgrim #horus #horusheresy #angron #rogal_dorn #logar #Jaghatai_khan #magnus #mortarion #konradcurze #sanguinius ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Want to make similar images? Its a process. It takes time. I used stable diffusion on Autimatic 1111 but there are various ways to use stable diffusion. Once you have SD setup you can start making images. Check out this page... Its by a gentleman who has created lora models for SD. Think of lora as a mini trained model that can draw the characters accurately. It’s still not a one click job. After you get the lora, you need to start experimenting with the prompts. I can give you mine but I use a technique that will never give you the same results as mine. It will still be 90% similar. I will be uploading my images and prompts on a facebook page soon but again. My images are just the beginning, you need to make better images than me. Word of advice, become part of the community. You will learn faster. Share your prompts and believe me you will learn more. No one will hold your hand in this process. You will have to work it out yourself. Once you’ve figured out the tough part, it’s really fun creating your favorite characters exactly how you want them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The link to ’The Red Plage’ page is as follows: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The link to ’NotAnArtGuy’ page is as follows: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The link to the AI Warhammer Art page mentioned in the video is as follows: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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