Soul Healing Sessions - JOIN US FOR WEEKLY LINK-UP

Soul Healing Invocation By Anrita Melchizedek Expanding from within my Loving Heart, and amplified through every sub-atomic particle within my beingness, is the embodied essence of my amazing Soul Light, a beautiful Golden Sun, my Purity and Innocence, worthy and loving, compassionate, powerful and wise. I take a moment now to deepen into this connection with my Universe, feeling and sensing this re-union of hearts, with my magnificent Soul and Higher Selves. I breathe deep into my body, as I focus on my loving heart. I breathe in Love, and I breathe out Love, sensing my loving heart expanding now, as I embody ever deeper, my Divinity, my Soul Light. My third eye now activates, as the Pineal gland expands, taking me into the memories of timelines of Self-Mastery, as my Higher Selves, Beloved I Am Presence, God Self and so much more, continuously ascending and expanding my frequency from within every cell,
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