Бой c Монтанте в условиях ограниченного пространства против нескольких мечников
Regra III composta is meant to drive your opponent before you. We apply it on a quite narrow space because we came to the conclusion that it only works when the enemies have little space to sneak behind the montantero, but the street is wide enough not to need the regra for narrow streets. Even if Figueyredo doesn’t ask for talhos and revezes orizontal, we find them more suited to collect enemies and to control the area, while more diagonal cuts leave openings to enemies’ thrusts. Another consideration is about the left and right space: the blows performed by the montantero aren’t the same on both sides, so tactics requires to set your position on the street in a way that gives you space to collect on the right while keeping the others pressed on the left. The more they are pressed the less space they have to perform actually dangeorus counterattacks. In this video you can see how I failed in doing so, and the foe on the extreme left put a thrust right on my face.
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Самая известная русская группа в мире прямо сейчас / вДудь
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Пикник | Ничего, ничего не бойся (2024)
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Рождественский пост: ОТВЕТЫ НА ВОПРОСЫ ЗРИТЕЛЕЙ. Священник Валерий Сосковец