Quarrying and Moving Ancient Monuments! Evidence for Ancient High Technology, Part 3!

Part 3 of my investigation into the evidence for ancient high technology! In this video, I clarify the arguments made in previous episodes, respond to some of the discussion around these topics, and then dive into the details of logistics and construction methodologies surrounding the creation and movement of some of antiquities largest and heaviest monuments from around the world. From the Unfinished Obelisk at Aswan, to the mighty Trilithon and recent disoveries at Baalbek, how can these ancient achievements be explained with the primitive methods of ancient civilizations? Links: Ancient High Technology - Part 1, Machining: Ancient High Technology - Part 2, Precision: The Mysterious Tube Drills of Ancient Egypt: The Serapeum of Saqqara, Part 1, Introduction: The Serapeum of Saqqara, Part 2: The Boxes: The Serapeum of Saqqara, Part 3:
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