Kin VS Viggar - The War Among Us (GMod Moment 37)

Mann Co. sends Kin and a few other mercenaries to space in order to harvest more space australium, as earth is starting to become scarce of said golden mineral, however, unbeknownst to Kin, the CREW he was assigned with is not what it initially seems, as it may contain few IMPOSTERS scattered around, will Kin discover and apprehend the fiends AMONG them? Or will this be his last adventure? Here you go, half shitpost and half actual video, made this for a meme shitpost low effort Among Us collab, and I (being the dumbass that I am) actually decided to put effort into it (for some fucking reason not even I know). I’ve actually studied a bit of 2008 - 2012 GMod videos to make this, I’d say it was well worth it. Special shout-out for these sexy bastards and their beautiful voices: Viggar Butane Herr Erdamon Sanguine
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