Sergei Stangrit “Prelude“, performed by I. Shishkanova and A. Sakharova, Ensemble “Kantele“

Sergei Stangrit “Prelude“, performed by Irina Shishkanova, Honored Artist of Russia and of the Republic of Karelia and Aleksandra Sakharova, Honored Art Worker of the Republic of Karelia, Ensemble “Kantele“. Sergei Ilchenko (sound) Dmitri Medvedev & Andrei Hambir (video) Vyacheslav Ivanov, Art Director Olga Vlasova, Project manager This video is produced in the framework of the “Kantele Goes Global! Ground Zero“ project, funded by the Karelia Cross-Border Cooperation Programme, which is financed by the European Union, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland.
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