FLYCAM HD-5000 Camera Steadycam System with Comfort Arm and Vest

Check out one of our product-videos for Proaim! Buy from Belgium! European Store in Belgium: International Store: More informations about our media production company: Facebook: About Proaim: We specialize in high quality cinematography equipment and serve the digital filmmakers and videographers over the globe. Designing and selling top of the line “PRODUCTION ACCESSORIES AT ECONOMICAL PRICE” for independent cameramen, budget-conscious movie makers & all the professionals of production line, is our sole purpose. We continue to provide innovations for YOUR valued camera, DSL...R, SLR, DSLM, Camcorder with an exceptional customer service. We understand the significance of YOUR precious production assets, therefore we believe in producing nothing but the best. We work on the motto of enhancing YOUR production value and of YOUR camera.
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