GLEE - Full Performance of ’’I Say A Little Prayer“ [Cut-Down] from “Showmance“
I Say a Little Prayer by Aretha Franklin is featured in Showmance, the second episode of Season One. It is sung by Quinn with Brittany and Santana as back-up.
This is their audition song for the New Directions. They audition so that Quinn can see what happens between Finn and Rachel, and to spy on the Glee Club under Sue’s orders. All three of them join the New Directions after this performance.
Brittany and Santana:
Say a little prayer for you
Quinn (Brittany and Santana):
The moment I wake up
Before I put on my make-up (Make-up)
I say a little (Prayer for you)
While combing my hair now
And wondering what dress to wear now (Wear now)
I say a little (Prayer for you)
Quinn with Brittany and Santana:
Forever, forever
You’ll stay in my heart
And I will love you
Forever and ever
We never will part
Oh, how I love you
Together, together
That’s how it must be
To live without you (Brittany and Santana: Would only mean)
Heartbreak for me
Quinn (Brittany and Santana):
I run for the bus dear
While riding, I think of us dear (Us dear)
I say a little (Prayer for you)
At work, I just take time
And all through my coffee break-time (Break time)
I say a little (Prayer for you)
Quinn with Brittany and Santana:
Forever, forever
You’ll stay in my heart
And I will love you
Forever and ever
We never will part
Oh how I love you
Together, together
That’s how it must be
To live without you (Brittany and Santana: Would only mean)
Heartbreak for me
#Glee #DiannaAgron #QuinnFabray
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