MBS Never let anyone define your dreams and worth

#3d #motivation #nevergiveup #motivationalspeaker They laughed when I said I wanted to be an artist, but now my paintings hang in the finest galleries. I remember the day I came home in, two years after my boss at the coffee shop told me I’d never amount to anything. My fingers were stained with ink from doodling on napkins during breaks, and my heart was heavy with doubt. Every night I locked myself in my tiny apt, a drafty old space with peeling wallpaper. And paid until my hands cramped and my eyes blurred. The world outside felt like a storm I couldn’t escape and the only solace I found was in the strokes of my brush. 1 winter I slipped on ice and broke my wrist. It was my dominant hand and I thought my dream was shattered along with it. Weeks of painful therapy followed, but the real challenge was fighting the voice in my head that whispered give up. But I refused. I started painting with my non dominant hand, creating abstract pieces that mirrored my struggle and resilience. Those closes
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