BRO TRIP 40,000: A Tale of Two Primarchs - Episode 1: Catachan Capers
Version without lore-popups:
Base Script/Story by: Alfabusa
Script Writers: Earndil, ComradeCrimson, Kochiha Ichihara, Voytek
Script Editors: ThunderPsyker, Earndil, Nostalgia, Kochiha Ichihara
Lore Consultants: ComradeCrimson, Remleiz (40k Theories), Voytek
Art by:
Adeptus Adamaris (Corvus Corax, all Catachan Jungle Fighters)
Eliphus (Chapter Master Tu’Shan, Chapter Master Kayvaan Shrike, Kadus, the Catachan Barking To