ZX SPECTRUM 16K, 48K, 128K - The BEST in GAMES & DEMOS on REAL HARDWARE, Episode 1

Using real hardware we set spot on the 3 original ZX Spectrum models (16k, 48k, 128k). We play A Blast From The Past and a Modern Era Hit on all the machines, so every episode features 6 games. See gameplay from the games on real hardware, see how they look on a CRT TV, see if they look playable and interesting to you, and grab them from the links if you want them. Besides new and classic games this series will also have spot on the best in modern and old school demos, pixel art, AY music, Beeper music, Turbo Sound music etc. The 128k system on the pictures in the beginning of the video is a stripped down version of an even bigger system. You can see it in action in another video with 3 x TVs at once, MP3 / MOD player, VIDEO player, Mixer, VU meter, Spectrum analyser etc. With lots of releases every year since 1982 the ZX Spectrum has an impressive back catalogue. Systems with 16k, 48k and 128k were produced, and we check out some cool releases for al
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