ZX Spectrum: TOP 10 RPG GAMES

A Role-Playing Game / RPG depends upon the element of the player to play a role in what is going to happen, and how it is going to happen. An RPG presents a player with information that the player then works out inside of themselves, and decides what they’re going to do with - and the game then recognizes the player’s choices, and reacts. In an RPG, there is no story without the element of the player’s role, and without the player’s own decisions. 0:00 Intro screen 0:03 2013 Los Amores de Brunilda: 1:03 2019 The Order of Sleeping Dragon: 2:03 2015 Wanderers - Chained in the Dark: 3:03 1991 Hero Quest: 4:03 1983 Valhalla: 5:03 1988 The Bard’s Tale:
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