People say I’m the king, but like... yeah this stuff is insane 😅. Make sure you check out the codepens below so you can see them all in more detail, all so amazing!
The codepen that inspired this video:
Make sure to check out Amit Sheen’s CodePen profile, I could do an entire video like that just looking at his stuff: (he’s a good follow on Twitter as well: )
🔗 The codepens I looked at:
CSS 3D Bending Effect - Page flip by Fabrizio Bianchi:
CSS Only iPhone 6 Fabrizio Bianch:
Attempt #1 CSS3 Clickable Slider by John Motyl Jr:
CSS-only directionally aware hover by Giana:
Clip Clop Clippity Clop [CSS Only] (the horse) by Steve Gardner:
STAR WARS AT-AT Walker: http