The Birthday Project - Happy Birthday #26 Drake Bell

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DRAKE BELL! This is our birthday present! (Jun 27, 2012) ABOUT: Drake Bell Fans Mexico Fanclub invited all Drakesters to join this project. The goal was to wish Drake Bell a Happy Birthday, singing one of our favorite songs: You’re Not Thinking.. Some of us got together to sing and have fun, and some others sent their videos singing from their houses. This is the final result. THANK YOU everyone who participated! Thanks for watching! Suscribe visit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Club Drake Bell Fans Mexico invitó a todos los Drakesters a participar en este proyecto el cual tenía como objetivo desearle un feliz cumple a Drake Bell cantando una de nuestras canciones favoritas: You’re Not Thinking. Algunos nos reunimos para cantar y divertirnos, otros enviaron sus videos cantando desde sus casas. Este es el resultado final. GRACIAS a todos los que parti
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