Warcraft Lore 14: The Fury of the Sunwell

Following the death of Zul’jin and Illidan, Kael’thas has survived the encounter in the Eye of Tempest Keep. He fled towards Quel’Thalas and captured The Isle of Quel’Danas, and took the Sunwell, the reborn Well of Eternity. Kael had hundreds, mayhaps thousands of people on his side. Followers, they were called the Felblood. There, in The Sunwell Plateau, he begun summoning the dread second in command of the entire demonic armies of the World of Warcraft .. Kil’jaeden, the deceiver. But the Shattered Sun Offensive, a grouping of the two factions The Aldor and the Scryers, joined together to form a neutral faction to strike at Kil’jaeden’s armies. There, they are retaking the Isle of Quel’danas, and hope to reach the Sunwell in time .. but they have too little time. Kil’jaeden is already half through. It is also uncovered that the demigoddess, Anveena, the avatar of the Sunwell was captured. She was being used to empower the Sunwell and bring forth Kil&#
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