LMYK『0 (zero) -English version-』“The Case Study of Vanitas” ver.
The ending theme song of anime “The Case Study of Vanitas (Vanitas no Carte)” released! Pre-order on iTunes from July 16 (Fri)!
Last year, LMYK - a talented female singer, suddenly appeared with the song “Unity” - the theme for the Japanese dubbed version of “The Legend of Hei” movie.
Now, her new song “0 (zero)” has been selected as the ending theme for the TV anime “The Case Study of Vanitas”. It is based on the latest work by Jun Mochizuki, the author of the popular manga “Pandora Hearts” which has sold over 5.5 million copies. This news about the theme song went viral, especially amongst the anime fans, when the announcement was made the other day.
To coincide with the premiere of the anime, the teaser for LMYK’s new song “0 (zero)“ has been released on YouTube today.
Compared to the previous dark artist photo which created a painting-like world, the video is white based to create a softer visual. It is a teaser which seems to truly represent the song’s title “0 (zero)” and raises expectations for the song’s release.
In addition, along with the Japanese version and an English version of the song has been produced for the anime. When the anime is distributed internationally, the English version will be used in English-speaking countries. The English version of the teaser has also been uploaded, so check that out as well.
And once again, the legendary production team Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis produced this song, creating excitement for the full-sized version. Keep an eye on LMYK, as the song will be available digitally on August 11 (Wed),
■Artist Biography
Singer-songwriter, born and raised in Osaka, Japan to a multicultural household with a Japanese mother and a German father. While attending college in New York City, she starts writing music and performing. Her music catches the ear of legendary music producers Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis who offer to produce her music. Seamlessly weaving Japanese and English lyrics, she uses her gentle voice like an orchestra and makes each sound blossom as if depicting a beautiful garden. With Jam & Lewis’s artistry and masterful production work, her music creates a “New Global Standard.”
She made her debut with “Unity,” the theme song for the Japanese dubbed version of the animation movie “The Legend of Hei” released on November 6, 2020. She will release a new song “0 (zero)” in 2021.
0 (zero)
August 11, 2021 (Wed)
DL & ST release
September 8, 2021 (Wed)
CD (Limited edition) release
Price: 1,200 Yen (tax not incl.)
Packaging: Tall size digipak with specially drawn anime【Limited edition】
M1. 0 (zero) [TV anime “The Case Study of Vanitas” ending theme]
M2. 0 (zero) -English version
M3. Unity [theme for Japanese dubbed version of the movie “The Legend of Hei”]
TV animation “The Case Study of Vanitas”Official website:
アニメ「ヴァニタスの手記」のエンディングテーマ「0 (zero)」。
アニメver.のミュージックビデオが公開されました!楽曲は、English ver.です。
新曲「0 (zero)」サブスク&ダウンロードはこちらから:
昨年、映画「羅小黒戦記 ぼくが選ぶ未来」日本語吹替版主題歌「Unity」で突如として現れた才媛LMYK。
新曲「0 (zero)」は累計部数 550 万部を超える人気漫画『PandoraHearts』の望月 淳の最新作を原作としたTVアニメ「ヴァニタスの手記」のエンディングテーマに大抜擢。
そして、なんといっても今作も世界屈指のプロデューサーチームJimmy jam & Terry Lewisがプロデュース。お楽しみください。
■Artist Biography
シンガー・ソングライター、大阪府出身。ドイツ人の父、日本人の母を持ち、大学在学中のニューヨークにて音楽制作を始める。その音楽と声を聴いた世界屈指の音楽プロデューサーチームJimmy Jam and Terry Lewisは即座に自らプロデュースを申し出た。
英語と日本語をナチュラルにミックスした文体と、その囁くように歌う声をオーケストレーションのように用いながら、世界屈指のプロデューサーチームJimmy jam & Terry Lewisのプロデュースワークによって、まるで音が咲く庭園のようにサウンドを可視化させる世界観はまさにニューワールド・スタンダードと呼ぶに相応しい。
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