Blender 3D | Modeling Christmas Trees | Tutorial for Beginners
Hi guys! Today we will make 6 different Christmas trees! Each tree is special and different from the others!And we also make decorations for them!Don’t forget to enable the addons below! There are also subtitles in the video for your convenience, where I explain in detail the modeling process and the whole process in general!
If you want to download this model (with all textures, light):
Mesh: EdgeFlow
Mesh: Edin Mesh Tools
Add Mesh: Extra Object
Mesh: LoopTools
Node: Node Wrangler
Object: Bool Tool
0:00:00 Introduction
0:00:08 Christmas Tree Modeling №1
0:01:54 Christmas Tree Modeling №2
0:04:04 Christmas Tree Modeling №3
0:07:39 Christmas Tree Modeling №4
0:12:16 Christmas Tree Modeling №5
0:16:06 Christmas Tree Modeling №6
0:19:35 Christmas Tree Decoration №1
0:23:54 Christmas Tree Decoration №2
0:26:58 Christmas Tree Decoration №3
0:30:49 Making a candy cane