BOB MARLEY about God and human beings. 1977, Munich. Exodus tour.

And God created man upon the earth, you know. From the Adam and Eve time, and Adam and Eve, they had children and thing move on until it gone bad, and God never liked the way of how man was going on, so he telled Noah: Build an ark. You know, thing like a ship or boat, one of those big, large bussines. Noah build the ark. Noah was building the ark, and people saw him building the ark, and they said: What’s that? That guy is nuts, you know. Just like a man come and say RASTAFARAI and people then say: What’s that? They don’t know about that, I mean, you know what I mean. And, you know, Noah build the ark, God tell him what he must do. Noah and his three sons, and the women that were with his sons, and Noah’s woman, and all pairs of animals, and everything that god said: It must get up here, right? And when the ark was finished, flood come and destroyed rest of the people. All were dead except Noah. Noah had a three sons, one named Ham, one named Shem and one named Japheth. Well, from that
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