Jon & Sansa [My Baby]

Wide eyed, and pretty. Alright... I have a whole lot to say about Jonsa. I don’t know if D&D wrote in their chemistry, or if it’s just Kit and Sophie meshing really well, but there’s something there- whether they meant it for GoT or not. But one thing I do know is there on purpose are these NedxCat parallels. And I tried to show a few of those in here. Now whether you want to take this video as a platonic relationship or something more... that’s up to you. I’m not here for a ship war. Just let people do whatever the hell they want. The only reason I ever really got into JonxSansa was because of a few tumblrs, I’ll link them below: Special shoutout to Angie, who helped me so much with ideas throughout this process. You can find her here:
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