Match Box - Rain Check

It’s no coincidence that Susan has yet another match with the Box. Wait, we mean. Ok, let’s start over. Match Box has a second date with Susan. No one has to perform a rain check here, because the evening is in full effect. Here’s how the story goes. It’s a dreamy vibe. The wind gushes between our gears as the sunset tickles the scene. We are sensitive to the light. We believe in what is to come. We’re on the hunt. In the far out foggy clearance we are struck by the sparks of a very rare object. Amethysts depict a calm purple variety of quartz. Whatever that means, we’re floating on an unknown cloud. This Amsterdam duo really does this to us, huh? Heavy on the synths, easy on the emotions. A banger in the making, is what is whispered into our ears. Trippy echoes massage seemingly infinite chords, whistles and sounds I’ve never heard before. I really like this kind of.. uh.. you know.
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