Songs of the Vilna Ghetto (Complete Record) - (תקליט שלם) שירי גיטו וילנה

Songs of the Vilna Ghetto is a compilation LP record released in 1969, featuring twelve Yiddish songs from World War II era. The songs were composed by the inmates of the Vilna Ghetto during the Holocaust and are sung by Nechama Hendel, Chava Alberstein, and Shimon Israeli with accompaniment from the CBS Israel Orchestra and Choir, conducted by Gil Aldema. The album contains an 8-page booklet with lyrics in the Hebrew language, photographs from the ghetto, and historical information about the songs in English. According to the liner notes, the recording “was prepared by the Yitzhak Kalznelson House of the Ghetto Fighters, at Kibbutz Lochamei Hagetaot, Israel, in co-operation with the Vilna Organisation [sic] of Haifa.“ (Quote from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
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