7月份的时候去了一趟香格里拉,和我的藏族朋友一起走了3个小时的山路,找了接近4个小时,最后只找到了6朵松茸 ,采起来真的有点费时间…… 回去做了一桌菜,松茸刺身、烤松茸、松茸炖乌鸡、云腿山珍酱,配合米饭,面条和饵块一起吃,这一顿的鲜美也值得~
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During this time of the year, one of the most precious delicacies is the king of mushrooms - matsutake. It grows in temperate areas 3000 meters above sea level and takes about 5 to 6 years to harvest. I visited Shangri-La back in July. Together with my Tibetan