how to make multipurpose case⭕️ wallet ⭕️toturial⭕️DIY ⭕️کیف پول پارچه ای

In my tutorial video, I have explained in detail and comprehensively the steps to make a practical and functional fabric wallet that allows you to store your phone, cards, money, and passport. In this video, all steps from cutting and piecing the fabric to sewing and installing various compartments inside the wallet have been explained with necessary details. I hope this video will be useful for you and you can use it to make a practical and functional fabric wallet. Please join my video and share it with your friends and family so that they can also benefit from it. در ویدئوی آموزشی من، به طور دقیق و کامل مراحل ساخت یک کیف مول پارچه‌ای را تو
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