WE ARE 共産党! - We are the Communist party - English lyrics -

It’s not a widely known fact, but Japan has the largest socialist non-ruling party in the world, that actually existed even before the second world war. So while Japan being one of the most capitalist countries in the world, it also has a rich history of worker movements. I am incredibly fascinated with this song, I had to translate it to English so that the rest of the world can enjoy it. All rights belong to the Japanese Communist Party: Released online on 7 July 2019, the “WE ARE Kyōsantō!” (We are the Communist Party!) video features an animated idol, Koyō no Yōko, who sings a rousing anthem with the message that the JCP is fair to workers. Dressed in a trench coat and sunglasses, the idol character’s name is a play on koyō, or employment, and her music video comes a time when sexual and power harassment in the workplace as well as death by overwork and other employment issues are looming large in Japan.
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