Stretch Armstrong in a Vacuum Chamber and a Microwave—An Explosive End!

In this video I put Stretch Armstrong in my vacuum chamber with thumbtacks at the top in order to pop it! Before I put it in the vacuum chamber, first I put it in my microwave and talk about how sugar acts in the microwave (since Stretch Armstrong is made of sugar). Then I put the toy in the vacuum chamber while it is still hot and watch it expand and then when it reaches the top it pops! It is really neat to see the corn syrup pour out of it! WARNING: This video is for entertainment purposes only. If you use the information from this video for your own projects then you assume complete responsibility for the results. My Other Channel: For more awesome videos checkout: Can Flies Actually Fly in a Vacuum Chamber? I Let a Venus Flytrap Digest My Finger For a Day–Little Shop of Horrors Challenge! They’re Alive! Awesome Effect Turns Coins Into Butterflies on Dry Ice Drawing On Water-It is So Surreal! Are Ants Too Small to be Hurt in a Microwave? Microwaving Ants Experiment in Top Secret Microwave Can Magic Sand Get Wet in a Vacuum Chamber? So Satisfying! Perfect Oreo Separation Using a Vacuum Chamber How To Survive Being Vacuum Bagged! I Vacuum Bagged Myself How Long Can a Fidget Spinner Spin In a Vacuum Chamber? Will It Spin Forever? A Liquid That Pours Itself! The Self-Siphoning Fluid: Polyethylene Glycol What Happens When You Drop a Mentos in Coke in a Vacuum Chamber? What Happens When I Put My Arm In A Vacuum Chamber? Will It Explode? Shooting Fruit With Supersonic Ping Pong Balls | First Vacuum Cannon Test What Happens When You Put A Spider And A Fly In A Vacuum Chamber? Will They Survive? If You Drop A Feather And A Metal Cube In A Vacuum Chamber Will They Hit At The Same Time? What Happens When You Put Aerogel In A Vacuum Chamber And Hydraulic Press? What Happens When You Put 16 Twinkies In A Huge Vacuum Chamber? Snow Turned Into Clear Sheet Of Ice By A Hydraulic Press What Happens When You Put A Speaker In A Huge Vacuum Chamber? Can You Hear It? What Happens When You Put 6 Eggs In A Huge Vacuum Chamber? What Happens When You Put A Drone In a Vacuum? Can It Still Fly? What Happens When You Put A Can Of Soda In A Huge Vacuum What Happens When You Put Shaving Cream Balloons In A Huge Vacuum Chamber? I Made A Square Balloon By Putting It In A Huge Vacuum Chamber What Happens When You Put 30 Marshmallows In A Huge Vacuum Chamber? Don’t Spray Sodium Metal With Water After Flattening It In A Hydraulic Press! Extracting Cyanide From Apple Seeds With Hydraulic Press How Strong Is Human Hair Composite When Crushed In A Hydraulic Press?
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