Download audio & lyrics of JUMP II for FREE! (read more) -- The OFFICIAL Music Video for the GEMINIZ - JUMP II The Geminiz - Rinokinawa and Maryss from Paris also known as members from The BEAT FREAKS Original Song by Kris Kross “jump“ Directed by Paul Sun and Kevin Lee Edited by Kevin Lee and Andrew Rivera In association with The Social Trust Recorded and Mixed by Peter Rocks Executive Produced by: YOVERX Cast Valeria Soto, Jenny Kita, Tiana N. “Special T33“ Liafau, Val “Mis Vee“ Ho, Kari Salrin, Aja George, Straphanio “Shonnie“ Solomon, Jayson Wright, Super Dave Royster, Sofia B., Kento Mori, Chura, Peter Rocks, Marina Toybina, Jolene, Kyoko Nakasone, Evelyn&Jean- Marie Courchinoux, Hailey Tolentino, Hannah Tolentino, Lanie Barcena, Bam Barcena, Teresa
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