The discovery of dynamite / Открытие динамита

#nanochem #БольшеЧемПростоХимия #NanochemDepartment Dynamite (from the Greek. Δύναμις - force) - explosive mixture absorbent (eg, diatomaceous earth) impregnated with nitroglycerin. It may also contain other components (nitrate, etc.). The whole mass is usually compressed into a cylindrical shape and placed into the paper or plastic wrapping. The charge carried by a blasting cap. Beginning with 1859, Alfred Nobel, his father and younger brother to experiment on an explosive liquid nitroglycerin. To produce it was built several plants in Europe and America. Part of the earned status he bequeathed to education fund, given annually to the Nobel Prize. However, the chemistry teacher, Nobel Nicholas Zina together with the engineer Vasily Petrushevski also actively worked to find ways to get and safe use of nitroglycerin in the military in 1863-1866, respectively. Mixing nitroglycerin with magnesium oxide, Petrushevsky receives so-called “Russian Petrushevskii dynamite.“ Динам
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