Salinas, California (Downtown Area)

This is Salinas’s main street. In reality, Salinas is a big town where people live far away from main street. So, people usually don’t hardly go here. It’s mainly a place to dine out. Salinas has a bad reputation for gang violence and crime. Surprisingly, the surrounding towns around Salinas are much safer. The town is a big hub for agricultural product such as lettuce, tomato, and strawberries. Likely, you have eaten a bit of Salinas if you live in the United States :) A big landmark of Salinas is John Steinbeck. He was a famous writer who lived most of his life here in the early 1900’s. He was mostly known for his books “Of Mice and Men“ and the “Grapes of Wrath.“ A museum, the National Steinbeck Center, was founded in his honor in 1998.
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