Yu CALLS OUT Vanta’s girl math

Some of the boys from NijiEN are playing Overwatch 2 when Vanta is egged on by his chat to buy some cosmetic skins. While the rest of the boys have a nice laugh at that, Vanta takes it seriously and looks into buying a skin - with one caveat. A single skin is 1900 pts, but a bundle of that character (which includes emotes too) is 2500 pts, but the problem is that the amount you’re able to purchase from the store is only in the options of $20 for 2200 pts or $50 for 7500. With the power of girl math, Vanta reasons he’d be LOSING money if he DIDN’T pay for the higher pts package. Couldn’t he have just bought the single skin like he originally wanted instead of going further? Sure, and Yu Q Wilson expresses his disappointment in Vanta in manner that seems only a parent could do. Sources: Overwatch 2 collab 12/November/2023: Vanta PoV: Yu PoV: Claude PoV:
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