Nüwa, the cliff city on Mars

Nüwa, by SONet (Sustainable Off-world Network) (), a multidisciplinary community focused on sustainable exploration of space. For more information on the Architecture of Nüwa: Nüwa Team: AUTHORS: Project Coordination, Economic model & High-level concepts: Guillem Anglada-Escudé, Ph.D.; RyC fellow in Astrophysics; Institut for Space Science/ CSIC & Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (EU) Co-coordination. Space, Earth-Mars transportation & Socio-economics: Miquel Sureda,Ph.D.; Space Science and Technology Research Group, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya & Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (EU) Life Support, Biosystems & Human factors: Gisela Detrell, Ph.D; Institute for Space Systems, Universität Stuttgart (EU) Design. Architecture & Urbanism: Design Strategy & Coordination: ABIBOO Studio (USA) Preliminary Analysis & Urban Configuration: Alfredo Muñoz (USA); Owen Hughes Pearce (UK) Detailed Architecture & Urban Design: Alfredo Muñoz
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