Make a Stair Spline Primitive with Scene Nodes [Scene Nodes Project]

Make a custom Stair Spline primitive using Scene Nodes. This video introduces the Loop Carried Value (LCV) node which can be used to repeat the same action over and over again, each time picking up where the last finished. ## Topics Include - Stairs Capsules in the Assets Browser - Stairs Primitive Capsule by Rocket Lasso - What are Arrays? - Building a Spline from scratch with Build Array and Assemble Spline. - Looping with the Range node. - Adding elements to an array with the Append node. - Building an array over time with the Loop Carried Value node. - Adding multiple points to an array at the same time with the Concatenate node. - Grabbing the last element of an Array with the Pop Element node. ## Related Videos / Articles 03 Sierpinski Triangle by Core4D Arrays and Iterations by Core4D Working with Arrays - Part 1
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