ferrosilicon price in China market current price of ferro silicon
Ferrosilicon Price
Ferro silicon price
ferro silicon price chart
ferrosilicon price per ton
Prices of ferrosilicon
1. Recent price summary of ferrosilicon
According to the recent price trend of ferrosilicon, we can see the following table. In general, the recent ferrosilicon prices tend to be stable and do not fluctuate much up or down, but according to our judgment for the future, ferrosilicon prices are expected to rise. We counted the price trend of Chinese ferrosilicon exports from the end of June to the end of August, and we can see that the price of ferrosilicon has been on a downward trend for the past two months. 1700 U.S. dollars and stable for up to a month.
2. Our analysis of the future price of ferrosilicon
We analyzed that it may be due to the general background of the Fed raise the interest rate, the money in the market is relatively tight, commodities are basically going down channel. Buyers are waiting and watching, waiting for prices to stabili
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1 year ago 00:00:34 1
Ferro Alloys: Indispensable Components of the Global Industry“-Li Company provides factory prices.