Welcome guys, hope you will like this video, cos it’s dedicated for Kilian Productions!
Wish you all good things for your cnannel and life bro!
Kilian Productions:
Anyway thanks for watching, press subscribe button for more❤
Software used: Vegas Pro 16
Fandom: The Walking Dead
Song: We Carry On
Artist: The Phantoms
Coloring: Contrast ( 61), Saturation, Sharpening
#TWD #AMC #RickGrimes #TheWalkingDead #NormanReedus #DarylDixon #AndrewLincoln #Season11 #11x08 #11x09 #Trailer #Promo #SneakPeak #MusicVideo #Tribute #Edit #Zombie #RickGrimesEdit #Alexandria #HillTop #Kingdom #Michonne #Alpha #
...Beta #DanaiGurira #MaggieRhee #LaurenCohan #Negan #JeffreyDeanMorgan #Glenn #Morgan #Walker #Kekker #ImagineDragons #Radioactive #Demons #ZaydeWolf #Heroes #Gladiator #WeCarryOn #ThePhantomsShow more