Activists prepare to occupy Fed

On November 5, protesters will descend on the Federal Reserve for an unsanctioned punk rock show and attempt to “occupy“ it. Harrison Schultz, founding member of Occupy Wall Street, joins RT America’s Faran Fronczak to discuss the looming action and argue that the Federal Reserve deserves attention and condemnation by Black Lives Matter activists, environmental activists and those who seek to emancipate women from sexual exploitation. He describes the Federal Reserve as a real world conspiracy that is unconstitutional and that activists of the Left and Right alike ought to unite in opposition to its nefarious influence. #QuestionMore #RTAmerica Get exclusive content and watch full episodes now by downloading the app: Telegram: Check out our other shows! NO show does it like this. It’s TIME TO DO NEWS AGAIN with Rick Sanchez News with Rick Sanchez: It’s her take on all things political and she presents ALL the ang
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